Studocu intellectual property. Other statutes which are relevant to intellectual property rights enforcement are: (i) Optical Discs Act 2000 (Act 606) (ii) Trade Descriptions Act 2011 (Act 730. Studocu intellectual property

 Other statutes which are relevant to intellectual property rights enforcement are: (i) Optical Discs Act 2000 (Act 606) (ii) Trade Descriptions Act 2011 (Act 730Studocu intellectual property  ISLAMIC UNIVERSTY IN UGANDA

o A patent granted in South Africa therefore only provides a monopoly in respect of the invention in South Africa and its territorial waters. 1. by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO) for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work 1886. Section 21 of the Trade Mark Act 1994 – The threat provision; How to claim. Intellectual property law; CMLD042international economics; cecc031International Economics; HECA031International Law; CPUA041. 4, Intellectual Property Code [IPC]) PATENTS 1. Impact of use on the market. This Constitutional grant of authority to Congress is the cornerstone on which U. Right to both property and intellectual property, but only under special circumstances. Chelangat semia 120-053011- Nangobi saliyah 120-053011- Rahummah Muhammad 120-053011- Mutamba phillip120-053012- Question "The correct position of law is that. Download. g. D. This right gives the owner the power to control the use of the work. 17 marksUnit-I: Intellectual Property-Meaning, Nature a nd Classification – Significance and need of protection of Intellectual Property — Main forms of Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, Industrial De signs, Geographical Indications of Goods, C opyright andV K Ahuja, ”Law relating to lntellectual Property Rights”, LexisNexis Pub- lication2. ii. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Other statutes which are relevant to intellectual property rights enforcement are: (i) Optical Discs Act 2000 (Act 606) (ii) Trade Descriptions Act 2011 (Act 730. Media and other information providers play a central role in information and communication processes. Identical or confusinglyINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - I. Unit 9 Guide Case Study. WK Number 2 Atomic Structure Chemistry 1 Worksheet Assignment with answers. To safeguard creators and other producers of the ideas that produced goods and services by granting the creators certain time-limited rights to control the use made of those productions. Unit 9 Guide Case Study. One essay type question and short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. How NOT to write an essay; Temporary copy exceptionStudying Intellectual Property Rights 0502/0902 at Karnataka State Law University? On Studocu you will find 96 lecture notes, summaries, practice materials,Patents. Trade secrets: any form of knowledge or info that: - Has economic value from not being generally known to, or readily ascertainable by proper means by others and - Has been the subject of reasonable efforts by the owner to maintain secrecy - Protected under common law - Many states have adopted the Uniform Trade Secrets Act - Must actually be a secret and the company has to take reasonable. Definition of Patent – It is a grant issued by the government through the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IP Philippines). Trademarks and Related Property Trademark: A distinctive mark, motto, device, or emblem that a manufacturer stamps, prints, or. A. ) to enrich corporations and concentrate financial power in society B. . Although StuDocu is not liable for any damages in connection with the (illegal) use of the Platform by Students, StuDocu will, under the conditions as set out in this Article, remove Study Material(s), Study. iv. Domain names - ```. TRADE SECRETS A. Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 27 pages. Intellectual Property Rights Questions Answers Infosys. Exemplary or corrective damages are imposed, by way of example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate, liquidated or compensatory damages. Project mgt assignment-1. Group Assignment for weekend. Your supervisor, Stacey Field, asks you to look at the following issues experienced by clients and to report back to her on the correct advice for the clients. This is a category of intangible rights protecting commercially valuable products of the human intellect. Econometrics Final. . The man-made brainpower will deal with information from billions of sources and will make a portfolio for each human. Through compelling case studies, including those of Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Sony, Amazon, and Google Books, Vaidhyanathan shows that the modern intellectual property systems reflect three centuries of changes in politics, economics, technologies, and social values. In Unit 1 you gained an overview of the various IP rights, and then in Unit Workshops 2-6 and Unit Workshop 8 you studied the detail of each right in isolation. “Intellectual property” (IP) refers to property rights created by copyright, patent, and trademark laws. Property Law (LAW2011) ACCA F1 Practice and Revision Kit by BPP (Accountant Business) Unit 1 Marketing. University; High School. 13, Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution which mandates that the State shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to the people. 4. intellectual property protection generally grants the holder the right to exclude othersIntellectual property is the creative work of the human intellect. Give credit where credit is due. Introduction The National Development Plan (NDP) of South Africa calls for a greater emphasis on innovation, improved productivity, an intensive pursuit of a knowledge economy and the better exploitation of comparative and competitive advantages. e. StuDocu respects the (Intellectual Property) Rights of others and takes the protection of (Intellectual Property) Rights seriously. Social value d. Novelty C. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Intellectual property protection helps small and medium enterprises. Intellectual Property Writing Assignment Mikael C. Date. On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. A right to intellectual property is an invisible/intangible right to a product of a man’s brain such as a new invented product i. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries; Conducting R&D in Countries With Weak Intellectual Property Right; Assessing the Industrial Property Bill of Mauritius; A Brief Introduction TO Intellectual Property Rights in UK; protection of intellectual property righ 2f7ba2aa; Banking notes 2This scenario focuses on intellectual property rights which are exclusive rights granted to the owners to prevent others from using their work and use it illegally for their own purposes. Chapter 10 - Lecture notes 10. Issued by the U. A purchase of real property includes the acquisition of fixtures, if such fixtures exist and are not excluded by contract. 100008 MC Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) 70 20 10 - - 100 2 - - 2 Entrega 3 - awdawdawdaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; Stereochemistry Assignment 1 2019 2020; CHEM1110 Assignment #2-2018-2019 Answers; CHEM1110 Assignment #2-2017-2018 Answers Chapter 14- Intellectual Property Rights. Sign in. LAW2106 Full Tutorial Questions & Answers. Copy of 7. This information is made available to the public in the form of the Intellectual Property Official Gazette and can be utilized as basis for future research and will in tum promote innovation and development. Info More info. Trademark: a disincive word, symbol, sound, or design that ideniies the manufacturer as the source of paricular goods and disinguishes its product from those made or sold by others. That means giving them rights to protect their intellectual property. PAGE 5. AI Chat. artwork and musical pieces), symbols, designs, images, pictures, and even names that are used for commercial purposes. Transformative/Reduction of article to different state or thing is a clue to the patentability of a process that does not include particular machines (i. Intellectual Property Law. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & PRACTICE UNIT 8. SMEs use IPR more extensively in many cases than large companies. The most relevant study resources to help you get better grades!Auditors are in position to determine where this line is to be drawn and to assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of security measures in place. 30 40 50 60 Show Explanation 2. Contact; Newsroom; Legal. Mechanical. intellectual property code of the philippines b. Valuable information on intellectual property. Intellectual Property Rights Encourage Innovation and Reward EntrepreneursA patent right is territorial in nature, in that a patent is applied for and granted in terms of the intellectual property laws of a particular country. Date. paid P2,800,000 for net assets of Marc Company. c. Trademark defences cases; Act194of1993; Trade marks 1 Definition to Registration Procedure lecture slides [20459815 - Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property]. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Client-Server Architecture for DBMS. map out the effects of the different intellectual revolutions to society. Studying GIN5901 Intellectual property law at University of South Africa? On Studocu you will find 35 lecture notes, summaries, practice materials, tutorial work,A short course in International Intellectual Property Rights – Karla C. Consumer Act Mcqs. Through compelling case studies, including those of Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Sony, Amazon, and Google Books, Vaidhyanathan shows that the modern intellectual property systems reflect three centuries of changes in politics, economics, technologies, and social values. Intellectual property (IP) is a form of legal protection for owners who manage the use and commercialization of. Helps you understand the ethical use of information by providing information on quoting, paraphrasing, and citing the work of others and on recognizing and avoiding plagiarism. Intellectual Property. Here is one site that explains the requirements of infringement and dilution. A. Intellectual Property Law (R. 2021/2022 None. The agreement has put minimum requirements for the protection of intellectual property rights, which includes those to patents, copyrights,. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) hosts this searchable database of intellectual property legislation, which provides access to “national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO and UN Members. One essay type question and short note/problems is compulsory from each Unit. part i the intellectual property office. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. • Read the fact pattern carefully – write down the parties’ names and what you are asked to advise on. title. Intellectual Property: any property resuling from intellectual, creaive process – the products of an individual’s mind. Classification of Donors. 2020. Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines) A. Intellectual Property Law (D) PLAW 420Intelligence Analysis; GOVT 381Intercultural Communication; GLST650. No. The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines is the lead agency responsible for handling the registration and conflict resolution of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property is protected through copyright, patent, and trade secret laws. Intellectual Property: any property resuling from intellectual, creaive process – the products of an individual’s mind. Module: Intellectual property (LA3026) 38 Documents. Compare: – Physically owning a compact disc versus. It aims to provide legal and economic protection for inventions or intellectual works, as well as encourage innovation and creativity. 8293 a. It covers everything from original plays and novels to inventions and company identification marks. University: Far Eastern University. C. Task. The Law that primarily governs IPL is R. In general, intellectual property rights can be grouped into two families according to the function of the information. Nanvuma Kaddu. OR Intellectual property is a term referring to a number of distinct types of creation of the mind for which property rights are recognized in the corresponding fields of law OR The product / process / idea which is outcome of the brain of a person and can be usedon commercial scale for benefit of human kind is called intellectual property. GOOD. 12 OF 2022,The Children's Code Final; Registration Form Essay Competition; Banda v The People (2002 ) Ahrlr 260 (Za HC 1999)More simply Legal rights in: - New ideas - Innovations - Information - Knowledge that accrue to the creators or owners. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are the legal rights that exist in those productions. Those that get it wrong will miss opportunities for innovation, disruption, and the development of new revenue streams. Land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business. The underlying English concepts of property law, as any student of English land law quickly learns, are in fact asserted by the conferral on the property owner. 1) the utility; 2) user value; 3) labour value. Intellectual property assets: Specialized research capabilities, patents, information systems, designs, operating processes, copyrights, and so on. the nature of the copyrighted work; c. section 1. Date. form an essential part of your marketing or branding. Rating. Your client is Rogue Art Limited, a UK based company which produces a diverse range of highly artistic household items. Intellectual property, being the innovation stimulant it is, encompasses within it an immaterial property right constructed for the protection of the proprietary knowledge over the intangible property that is resultant of their innovation or creativity, known as a Trade Secret. Intellectual Property Law With the advent of the Internet and compression formats used for transfer of music, intellectualStudents also viewed. This study guide provides students with a short account of the law, followed by a variety of concrete Examples & Explanations that help reinforce and give substance to the key rules and concepts in intellectual property law. 4 Web Assign; Summary Intimate Relationships - chapters 1, 3-6, 8-11, 13, 14Select the true statement regarding real property purchases. Courses. Module: Intellectual property. Generally the owner of the intellectual property has the task of protecting his or her intellectual property and suing others who use the intellectual property without permission. Distinguish between the principles and laws governing the different forms of intellectual property rights 5. 8293 – Intellectual Property Law; R. Lecture notes on novelty - patents intro, prior art etc, cases novelty friday, 25 january 2019 09:01 novelty new the right to work disclosure novelty is aSAQ answers - SAQ answer - Computer science - Studocu. Insolvency of the debtor. Our law protects intellectual property in four main distinctive areas: copyrights, patents and trademarks. Owners of intellectual property frequently use more than one of these types of intellectual property law to protect the same intangible assets. 1. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. individualized consideration. Course. Studying IGZ 320 Intellectual property law at University of Pretoria? On Studocu you will find 43 lecture notes, 30 summaries, 23 practice materials and much more. Never plagiarize. “StuDocu does not allow for unlawful activities to take place on its platform and is committed to help protect the intellectual property rights of third parties in the. As his company has grown, he has realized safety. IP lawyers advise clients on how to gain trade mark protection in multiple jurisdictions. Date. The intellectual property right that affords a person who has created and registered a unique symbol that help consumers connect certain goods to specific manufactures rights to prevents others form using it is known. al die bogenoemde/ All of the above. On Studocu you will find over 18700 lecture notes, summaries and assignments from LU, to help you pass your exams. Intellectual property: any resulting from individual creative processes-the product of one or more individual's minds Founders of America. Intellectual Property law mcq 2. "establishing the intellectual property office, providing for its powers and functions, and for other purposes ans # statement and choices a. Sources: Intellectual Property Fundamentals (by: Amador); R. Right to intellectual property. goods such as a right to the invented goods. Task. My Library. How should a for-profit corporation balance its business needs with the needs of its customers?Any property resulting from intellectual, creative processes—the product of one or more individual’s minds. NS Crypto LAB Final 11 - Test; Velocity Modulated Tubes; Use Case Description; Untitled document- prioritization; 1200 most commonly repeated words in 221123 032043 Intellectual Property. University High School. Documents. Identify the categories of Intellectual Property Rights; 3. Intellectual property is a relatively ne w idea, and has met with much conf usion from the general public. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW & PRACTICE UNIT 8. AI Quiz. Books;. What are IPRs for? Intellectual property rights are conceived as a tool to reward innovators and creators for their contributions to society,. Property Law100% (9) 90. ) to recognize and protect intellectual rights for a period of time sufficient to encourage. 2 pages. intellectual property Intangible assets resulting from the creative work of an individual or organization Creations of the mind, such as: Inventions; Literary and artistic works; Symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. FINA2244 Chpt 9 Notes - Chapter 9: Intellectual Property Intellectual Property - Intellectual - Studocu. Unit 1 Guide Introduction to Intellectual Property. Intellectual property (LA3026) 109 Documents. You can find numerous online legal definitions and blogs comparing infringement and dilution. McDonald’s Corporation [2009] 3 MLJ 774? Misrepresentation (slide 27) On appeal to the court of Appeal, Gopal Sri Ram JCA had overturned the decision based on several grounds:Passing Off Notes Topic Concept Rule/Requirements Cases Notes. Introduction: Jurisprudence has classified property into several forms, that is, industrial property, real property, intellectual property and spiritual property. Michael decides to buy the property, and the Council agrees to sell. Date. Shared from our global community of more than 25 million students, you can start making exam prep so much less stressful by accessing everything needed in one place and completely free of charge. As you created the art using your own intelligence, the work would be considered original, artistic and therefore copyrightable. One thing that is clear then is the importance and value of intellectual property to any commercial enterprise. Original artistic works are protected by copyright 8. ) Create new works based upon the original work (e. Narayanan, ”Intellectual Property Law”, Eastern Law House; S. The format of t his year’s question paper is similar to recent years. Marks Overview A trade mark is a SIGN used, or intended to be used, to distinguish goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from goods or services so dealt with or provided by any other person. Duration : 3 Hours Max. As in the Preparatory Task, you are a trainee working in the intellectual property department of Wakeman and Field. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries; Conducting R&D in Countries With Weak Intellectual Property Right; Assessing the Industrial Property Bill of Mauritius; A Brief Introduction TO Intellectual Property Rights in UK; protection of intellectual property righ 2f7ba2aa; Banking notes 2The Intellectual Property Law/Code (“IPC”) gives life to Sec. year. Follow this course. Ratings. Intellectual Property (IP) Rights in Malaysia for Businesses. _On StuDocu you will find Lecture notes, Summaries and much more for WUSTL. FalseIPR - UNIT 1 - Notes for KSLU Exam. property right protecting certain types of human creation which are recorded in some form. This is a preview. Academic year: 2020/2021. Download. Ratings. Intellectual Property Rights Questions And Answers In Short Notes - StuDocu. give effect to any provision of such convention, RIGHTS TO WHICH ANY MANAGER OF AN INTELLECTUAL. None Pages: 2 2021/2022. Bodies, Property and Politics; SO239Brain & Behaviour; PS111Brownian Motion; MA4F7BTEC applied science 2a; Unit 2 aBusiness Analysis and Valuation; IB9bb. AI Quiz. Intellectual Property Law I (LAW 338) Lecture notes. Summary Intellectual Property Law: Checklist rnrn. Intentionally saying something false about a person. a((b + c) + d) a (b + c ) + ad. Intellectual property rights are rights granted to intellectual works such as inventions, designs, brands and copyrights. Course: Research Methodology (CO T 512). Sign in Register. Investors may be reluctant to invest, without property rights if they knew competitors would just wait for their invention to be released, before copying it without having to pay for the. 2. , process patent claims)Free riding in information as a good happens when a free-rider, without the right holder’s consent, uses or reproduces an intellectual property. Some Intellectual Properties. Copywrite - General Notes. Had this been the. Mcq on intellectual property laws which will be helpful for CLAT PG or other LLM aspirants choose the correct answer: (copyright) the first owner of the. 7 pages 2011/2012 100% (3) 2011/2012 100% (3) Save. The module guide is an important resource. It is referred to as the best means that cover a body of legal rights arising from mental and artistic endeavor. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights 4 intellectual property rights (IPR) 4 to the discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs they create. Susan D. Intellectual Property Law Comparison Chart. Unit 1 Guide Introduction to Intellectual Property. Download PDF. LA2003 Property law – Zone A I n t r o d u c t i o n. Grace Company developed a trademark to distinguish its products from those of the competitors. UIP 2612 Intellectual Property Law Tutorial 14: Passing Of. *We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Intellectual Property Outline -Shahshahani INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN GENERAL Unlike other forms of property, intellectual property is intangible and exists in the mind and work of human o Intellectual. Property acquired during marriage from common fund C;C. There are four main types of intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Zaytuna College. October 2020. Students shared 109 documents in this course. Personal Property Real or registrable property Amount of donation P5,000 or less More than P5,000 Regardless of amount Form of Donation Oral or in writing In writing In public document. Answers. The initial skill which a lawyer requires in relation to IPRs is the ability to identify the rights which may apply to the item in question. Spence The Pennsylvania State University BA 243: Social, Legal, and Ethical Environments of. Eli is an entrepreneur who turned a small contracting company into a substantial property development operation. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW II (TRADEMARKS) Lecturers Mr. The loss on derecognition is P4. income tax. Discussion Assignment - Intellectual Property. Gogo Zondi is a 105-year-old who - as a teenager - witnessed a key battle between warriors of the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa and the invading colonial forces from Europe. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. Medicine and Surgery. protect intellectual property rights, as evinced by the authority granted to the Commissioner appointed under section 13(1) of the Kenya Revenue Authority Act to “seize suspected goods upon the complaint of a patent holder. Intellectual property and competition law. It was created by virtue of Republic Act No. An investment. Definition of misappropriation b. The law of copyright protects various. Various intellectual property rights are relatively well known, such as copyright, design rights, patents and trade marks. Requisites of Patentable Inventions 1. Studying BLB3129 Intellectual Property Law at Victoria University? On Studocu you will find 39 tutorial work, assignments, practice materials,. Industrial applicability D. Reading – read the text and fill the chart in. Answers. Brief History Trademarks existed in the ancient world. University: University of the People. UNIT-INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Introduction. “StuDocu is making money from universities’ and their academics’ intellectual property, which has been uploaded without. Ask AI New. iv. Contact; Newsroom. Ramos. Initiated by the debtor and accepted by creditor. It may be, or may relate to, a product, or process, or an improvement of any of the foregoing. Sources: Intellectual Property Fundamentals (by: Amador); R. Intellectual Property LAW 320 Notes Final; Study Unit 1 - Introduction to the law of trade marks; Study unit 2. The impairment loss is P3. In the first place, the thought of "private" will go terminated. Shippey, World Trade Press – 2 nd Edition. S. intellectual property protection generally grants the holder the right to exclude others Intellectual property is the creative work of the human intellect. False 8. Studying BLB3129 Intellectual Property Law at Victoria University? On Studocu you will find 39 tutorial work, assignments, practice materials, summaries, lecture. patent-law-lecture-notes. week 16: intellectual property For a successful patent application, this requirement provides that the invention is not obvious to a person skilled in the art at the time of the filing date or priority date of the application claiming the invention: A. There must be "some independent intellectual effort" [48] Some creative spark [187] Intellectual effort in preliminary collection etc. This office was created through. Corporate Law (BLAW 2001) 999. Intellectual Property Law; JMRV 401International Business; MIN5TR1International Criminal Law; JCJV502. Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property. 9502 – Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008, amending. Context. Start studying relevant, high-quality notes. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS UNIT I. Intellectual Property Law 100% (3) 4. NON-PATENTABLE INVENTIONStudying 4LAW 5410 Intellectual Property at Tulane University? On Studocu you will find Lecture notes and much more for 4LAW 5410Intellectual Property (LAW3750) University. In Under payment by Cession, the debtor may cede or assign his property to his creditors in payment of his debts unless _____. Mozambique acceded to the ARIPO Banjul Protocol on Marks on 15 May 2020 and it is possible to desig- nate Mozambique since 15 August 2020. Select one: a. insurance law of the philippines d. Patent infringement and invalidity. Scenario. Nice manual for foundations of mauritian legal system september 2016 unit history of mauritian law introduction getting to the roots of the history of mauritiusSome documents on Studocu are Premium. Intervention for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (D) EDSP 370intro to early childhood; EDCU 201No person shall be imposed for non-payment of A. ) that the law protects from unauthorized use by others[ CITATION Leg22 \l 1033 ]. Car purchased during marriage using funds derived from practice of profession C;C. Defines "intellectual property" and describes the laws that govern it. 1680466151438 Hydraulic Structure -I. Discover. A. Intellectual Property Intellectual Property. Bishnu Kharel. The WIPO has defined intellectual property as property in intellectual creations particularly, technological invention and literary and artistic words. Confidential information and trade secrets in the employment context. B. Q. Discuss what the law is that the court will have to consider, and. This Constitutional grant of authority to Congress is the cornerstone on which U. Established standards for the international protection of intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights for movies, computer programs, books,and music ii. pdf - lOMoARcPSD|5408305 Patent Law - Lecture Notes Intellectual Property Law II Universiti Teknologi MARA StuDocu is not | Course. Difference from property rights: o Property rights provide incentives to take care of your property and to put it to its best use, but right are not unfettered; uses that impede economic efficiency (like monopolisation) or infringe on the well-being of others. Intellectual Property. Alana Schmidt Master of Business Administration, Liberty University BUSI:561 Legal Issues in Business Dr. 📚. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sign in Register. Transaction costs on the sale amounted to P1. Documents (20) Questions (0) Students (7)Property – a defined area of land under someone’s control Something you can own ‘Land law’- the legal rules for who owns the property Intellectual ‘Property’ Property- ‘intangible personal property’ / ‘chose in action’ Created by a person’s intellect IP Law – legal rights associated with creative effort Creation. Upgrade to Premium to unlock it. Lecture 2. Intellectual property, in its literal sense, means the things which emanate from the exercise of the human brain. They allow creators, or owners, of patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to benefit from their own work or investment in a creation. poll tax D. Intellectual Property Trademark (Identification) Neither an idea or value of express. c. - Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the. PATENTABLE INVENTION Any technical solution of a problem in any field of human activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable shall be patentable. Some documents on Studocu are Premium. Countries have laws to protect intellectual property for two main reasons. Intellectual property ( IP) is a term referring to a number of distinct types of creations of the mind for which a set of exclusive rights are recognized and the corresponding fields of law. intellectual property code of the philippines [republic act no. Intellectual Property Writing Assignment Mikael C. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, which took effect on January 1, 1998 under the presidency of Fidel V.